There is no musical requirement. All are welcome!CHANCEL CHOIR
The CHANCEL CHOIR is a group of adults of all ages who are dedicated and committed to serving the Lord through music. The CHANCEL CHOIR leads and supports the worship service 52 Sundays a year. The group sings for special Liturgical services throughout the year. The CHANCEL CHOIR rehearses from September thru June on Thursday evenings from 7:30 until 9:30, and from 9:00 until 9:50 every Sunday morning. There is no musical requirement. All are welcome!
The SOUNDS OF PRAISE CHOIR is a choir for children and is open to all children ages 5 to 12. The children rehearse in the music room every Sunday immediately following the morning worship service. The children learn to sing, learn about the meaning of the texts in the music and learn some basic music theory. The SOUNDS OF PRAISE CHOIR sings quarterly and for special Liturgical services throughout the year.
The MEN’S CHORUS is a group of singing men in the church. The group rehearses from 5:00 until 6:00 on Saturday afternoons periodically throughout the church year. The MENS CHORUS sings for special Liturgical services.

Nicole, Alexis, Chelsea, Jordan and Joshua – Youth Orchestra
The SOUNDS OF PRAISE ORCHESTRA is an instrumental ensemble and is open to children ages 8 to 18 who are studying music in school. All instruments are welcome. The SOUNDS OF PRAISE ORCHESTRA rehearses every Sunday after the SOUNDS OF PRAISE CHOIR rehearsal. As well as participating in the ensemble, many of the children perform solos in church.al Liturgical services.