International Service and Luncheon Draws Many for a Great Cause

Claude, Mary, Susan Kim and Rev Garcia
The Third International Service and Luncheon was held on Sunday, October 26th —it was well-attended, as well as a memorable occasion.
The theme of the event, “Climate Change and Responsibility as Disciples of Christ,” was further enhanced by the thought-provoking and humorous stories shared by keynote speaker, Susan S. Kim, President of the NYAC UMW.
Delicious meals of various ethnicities were prepared by volunteers, and many of our own church members assisted during the luncheon, ensuring everyone sampled the savory dishes.
The International Luncheon is an annual fundraiser organized by the UMC of Hempstead and the Freetown Secondary School for Girls (FSSG) Ex-Pupils Association. This year, nearly $1,500.00 was raised to support the Ebola project. Many thanks to everyone who attended and supported this worthy endeavor.